
This new learning center came to life thanks to GRC Architects and SOTA was involved in the design process to ensure ideal acoustics everywhere. The architectural reviews allowed for acoustical changes which improved the transmission of desirable sounds and reduction of unpleasant noises.
University of Ottawa Desmarais Building
The Desmarais Building, designed by Moriyama Teshima Architects, is located on a very busy traffic route. The building posed particular challenges for our acoustic design of multiple lecture halls with high intelligibility requirements and requirements for low mechanical noise.

University of Ottawa SITE Building
Located in the heart of Ottawa, the University of Ottawa Campus is an important contributor to the architectural diversity of the city. The S.I.T.E. the building, designed by Ron Keenburg, is a signature building at the entrance to the University precinct. We provided acoustic design for the innovative core slab design and acoustic performance design for large lecture halls and classrooms.
College Notre Dame Centre Sportif
The College Notre-Dame in Montreal recently had a large addition which included a sports center that required noise control. SOTA provided designs to improve sound isolation, reverberation control as well as mechanical and environmental noise control. These plans were implemented and greatly enhanced the acoustic quality of the space.

Centre Aquatique de Laval
The Laval Aquatic Centre encourages water safety and promotes fun learning. Pools tend to have very high reverberation time due to the fluid nature of many surfaces, as such there were some acoustical issues. SOTA conducted interior acoustical simulations, then evaluated the results and provided designs for sound isolation as well as traffic and mechanical noise control.
IDEA Project
The IDEA project at Dalhousie University in Halifax is to promote Innovation and Design in Engineering and Architecture (IDEA). This sizable venture was taken on by DSRA with the help of SOTA for all acoustic factors. The Richard Murray Design Building was one of two developments for the IDEA project, and it contains a large auditorium which needed speech analysis, and custom acoustic baffles for speech intelligibility. The other building within the scope of this project is the Emera Building which has a variety of laboratories and prototyping workshops. Throughout the project there was need for sound isolation as well as mechanical noise analysis, especially for noise sensitive spaces.

Museum of Nature
The Museum of Nature in Ottawa is the national natural history museum of Canada. This prestigious research and education facility required acoustical testing in its arctic exhibit. SOTA provided reverberation time modeling which was used to decrease reverb such that the people in the space would not be overwhelmed by all the echoing noise.
Queen’s Smith School of Business
Canada’s premier business school, the Smith School of Business, is part of Queen’s University. The heart of the Smith School of Business is Goodes Hall, which underwent an expansion of 75 000 square feet consisting of new classrooms, faculty offices and group study rooms. Along with the renovation, SOTA re-fitted the existing building with a new AV system of fiber-optic digital transport with centralized routing and switching. The addition was perfected with SOTA’s multi-screen projection, recording and conferencing systems.

Carleton University Richcraft and Canal Buildings
SOTA collaborated with Moriyama, Teshima and Griffiths as well as Rankin and Cook Architects, to construct the Carleton University Richcraft and Canal Buildings. The Richcraft Building is 140 000 square feet and houses a recording studio and large lecture hall for the film and journalism programs. The Canal Building is 95 000 square feet and contains multiple lecture rooms and labs for the Master of Applied Science in Biomedical Engineering and the Aerospace and sustainable Energy programs. SOTA carefully designed all acoustical aspects of the classrooms, labs, and the recording studio.
Centre Sportif de Gatineau
This amazing community gym has many amenities such as a complete set of exercise machines, a pool, and nice changerooms. State of the Art Acoustik Inc. was the acoustical advocate for the building and promoted sound isolation as well as mechanical noise control. These acoustical goals were both accomplished with computer modeling simulations to test and improve every space in the sports center.

Canadian Musuem of History
The Canadian Museum of History is an important staple in the Ottawa-Gatineau area. This crucial museum was recently renovated with a new exhibit to properly represent Canada’s history, and this new atrium had mechanical noise. SOTA stepped with acoustical modeling and reverberation simulations to predict and regulate the sound behaviour in this large volume hall. The tests and models from State of the Art Acoustik Inc were beneficial, not to mention the audiovisual system design which increased the functionality of the entire building.